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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Thoughts on Hubski from a potential ex-redditor

1. See tutorial link at the bottom of the page, and read the primer.

2. 4 years old :)

3. Nothing illegal (but content is at the discretion of the site).

4. See here.

5. If you hover over user, you can find a link to see and follow all that user's posts with that tag. If you hover over just the tag, you can find a link to see and follow all content with that tag, independent of who submitted it.

6. We like plain.

7. No

8. See 7.

9. Feel free to ask questions.

thenewgreen  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That pretty much nails it. I would add though that they are judging a book by its cover. Like anything worthwhile, you have to dig into it in order to see what's actually happening. Hubski isn't "slow" but it is "deliberate". There are many discussions, conversations etc. happening. However, if what someone is looking for is a fast-paced, easy to consume stream of content, Hubski will never satisfy them.

Hubski is a discussion community first and foremost and it sounds like this person is looking for a "comment community".

I do appreciate the feedback regarding the need for an intro video. I should mention that we (steve) are working on a Hubski intro video that I think will help shepherd new users in the right direction.

ButterflyEffect  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Laughed at 7 and 8. To expand on 8, at least in my opinion, avatars are a cheap way to remember somebody. I think not having those encouragea people to interact with others and remember them through that as opposed to something more superficial. Plus I don't like how avatars look...

_refugee_  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I get judged by my appearance every single fucking day and it's tiresome even when it's to my benefit. One of the benefits I see to being online is that no one knows what I look like until I feel comfortable showing them. I was a big proponent of not adding avatars when it came up in a discussion thread and I remain that way.

sardis  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

we might be similarly judged by our choice of username. but what does a forum with no names look like? 4chan or writing on a bathroom wall. i agree with you, i think our options for personalization should be stopped at usernames and whatever the user chooses to say on their profile.

thundara  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

To be fair, an avatar can be any image. I'm usually a fan of using Otocolobus manul:

_refugee_  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

But my point does still stand: any image by which I present myself will allow others to form snap opinions of me for it. sardis accurately points out that no matter what, as long as we have some sort of "handle," be it name, avatar, or other, by which we identify and differentiate ourselves, there is an amount of prejudgment that will come with that name. However I do feel that an image lends itself to more judgement, and perhaps more snap judgment, than a word or series of words - usually. If there were someone on here with, for instance, a racially offensive or blatantly sexist or "novelty"-type username, I admit I would judge them immediately.

I'd also prefer not to have that snap judgment come into play, though - that judgment I'm talking about in regards to avatars, I mean. If someone really likes anime and puts a picture from an anime up as their avatar I think it's likely I would tend to dismiss them as "less serious" due to my lack of interest in anime and lack of context regarding whatever character they chose, plus some not-so-great previous interactions with some Hubski users who were really, really fond of some anime I'd never heard of and frequently referenced said anime in their posts. Is that my bias? Yes, absolutely. I don't want to introduce my bias. So I don't want your picture, unless you put it up yourself on your bio.

i DO have one or two pictures/drawing of me up on my bio but their inaccuracy is one of the reasons I keep them: that, and the fact that they derive pretty purely from Hubski users and interactions, which makes them "belong" to the site in a way that general pictures don't.

Pictures can be such cheap grabs for attention. Even if I didn't use them that way, I feel like others very easily could opt to do so. I don't want to walk into a situation already feeling a certain way about the person I'm talking to. Pictures are much more likely to influence an opinion I have than a username. Let me figure out how I feel about you through words and discussion. Isn't that what hubski is about?

sardis  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

even if hubski did have avatars you could presumably choose to not have one. but even then you'd be judged on your lack of an avatar if having one is the norm. so really there's no escaping it!

    I don't want to walk into a situation already feeling a certain way about the person I'm talking to. Pictures are much more likely to influence an opinion I have than a username. Let me figure out how I feel about you through words and discussion. Isn't that what hubski is about?

this is well put and i agree. i think hubski has a good balance between the two extremes of user personalization. the two extremes imo, is on one end a forum/comment section with mandatory social network connection (ghost accounts can of course be made but they will be shunned by a community that advocates real sounding name plus a human profile pic) which hopes to engender thoughtfulness instead of fanatical comments like on yt, twitter etc. the other end being the 4chan/bathroom wall situation i mentioned above.

p.s. has anyone here heard of ryder ripps' dump.fm? where communication is predominantly image based.

mknod  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    avatars are a cheap way to remember somebody

Reading this made me realize that here I am able to "see" people based on their comments and not worry about their profile pic. A moment of clarity later and I quite enjoyed that thought.

kleinbl00  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think it would be hilarious for people to post other's avatars. thundara's Manul Cat doesn't strike me as Thundara, but it's kinda how I see bfv.

mknod  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I mean this is all I can think of when I see your name:

kleinbl00  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  
user-inactivated  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  
am_Unition  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I thought it was just me!

And now we are two.

thundara  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This is how I picture you:

Now what's is a more fitting image for me than that wonderful cat?

kleinbl00  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The fact that you aren't a thundercat is fuckin' tragic.

thundara  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You know, minus the ripped body and vertical slitted pupils, that ain't far off

kleinbl00  ·  3842 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's always been the 5 o'clock shadow that makes it for me. Thundercats was such a cringeworthy-weird show.