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hubskier for: 4452 days
I'm doing this when I get home. Paying more attention to board control that is. Edit: clarification, I hadn't thought of that and I want to play with that concept.
Yeah I have very little training in chess other than stumbling through games and reading through books. I just play casually currently but would love to get to the point where I could play in local tournaments.
This is an area of mathematics I've always wanted to explore further. It's so crazy to me that an advanced topic like this was pioneered over 100 years ago.
Haha, I'm really pissed off at Oracle because I'm sure that applet is freaking awesome. I want to check it out!
No worries! Really easy to miss Java 0-days, they happen a hell of a lot.
This sounds so similar to what happened with me. I wish you the best of luck my friend. It's not an easy road, but I think it might pay off better in the end. How is that comp sci degree going?
Warning to everyone, that applet uses the Java browser plugin. There is currently a serious 0-day security vulnerability. If the applet works, that means the java plugin is still enabled on your browser and should probably be disabled. Note: This is not an issue with hubski, it is a problem with Oracle software, the people who maintain Java. News story about the 0-day: Edit: Instructions on how to disable the plugin
This is his web site He's been releasing albums since 98. I need to go back and listen for that ska influence on that song. I'm mobile right now so I just made sure audio quality wasn't shit. What part are you hearing that ska influence in? I have to admit I haven't listened to him as much as I should so its quite possible I have missed some of the nuance in many of his songs.
Another interesting musical genre that shares roots with Texas jazz if it isn't directly influenced by it is zydeco. If you know more about the connection could you please expand on my knowledge? Zydeco is a combination of blues and creole. We have a local music nightclub that features zydeco on a regular basis. It developed in louisiana and has found popularity all across the south. Edit: Leroy Thomas, one of the performers that plays at the local bar
I'm torn about this, I left public schools at 12 and followed a radical form of homeschooling which is extremely similar to this system. I even had friends that were in schools like these. I gained an amazing liberal arts education, much better than most do in highschool. However I am a technical mind at heart, I love reading philosophy now but my degree in mathematics sucked because of so much that I should have learned in highschool I didn't get. This also leads to huge practical problems in getting into college. While letting kids cultivate their own interests is great, I also feel that kids need to be pushed on subjects they might not pursue individually. This is an area I think on a lot and I can't really say that I have completely come to a decision on how I feel about this. If you're interested in the homeschooling portion look up unschooling. Sorry I'm on my phone, that's why I didn't go looking for links. Feel free to ask questions and I can try to give you my perspective.
Sounds good! Can live with occasional bugs for a great site.
Yeah, 3rd party apps will come along as soon as that is opened up. Just wanted to make it known in case this, issue popped up on other devices.