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hubskier for: 4449 days
I'm wondering how much traffic got driven over.
You know what would be great about Hubski? If people stopped linking to Reddit on it.
Word I got from folks on-center (KSC) is that they orbital thrusters have failed to fire properly. They're getting the recovery team together and there is talk of de-orbiting.
Le This
I'm not saying it's a rational fear, but it's my concern all the same.
I'm kinda jealous Saydrah got mentioned by name.
To be fair that is my fear with Hubski, that a handful of users will drive all the content. But then again I can just ignore them if it's not good content.
Yeah, maybe mk could link to a different zork site.
Yeah but you can collect badges. Just like Ash.
/r/MURICA Wait, I mean #MURICA
That's a good point. I'm not saying that having the time stamp would be without value, I'm just thinking not having it stamped would lead to longer discussions.
I'm so glad to see you all here.
creepig pls
While I don't think it's that big of a deal, I do think we should try to decrease overlap between Hubski and Reddit for the time being. While I know that keeping social media sites from overlapping is impossible in the long run, I think that there should be some sort of emphasis on the fact that Hubski is not Reddit-lite.
I'd guess the new feature. If you just ignore anyone with a dissenting opinion, then it's not really a discussion is it?
Maybe? I mean not having a time-stamp on the larger menu would make it more likely that people will periodically re-spark discussion on a topic.
I'm glad someone took the most nonsensical question from that AMA and tried to make sense of it in such a tongue-in-cheek way.
I'm gunna follow you so hard.
I don't think it's really a migration, it's more of a percolation? I found out about Hubski from my brother, who in turn found out about it from Reddit. I'm not abandoning Reddit, I'm just ALSO using Hubski. But to deny that there will be more and more people coming over from Reddit is a bit naive I think. A lot of users are already here because of Reddit posts, I think Syncretic's in particular. As more Redditors find out, they will share with more people. There is a significant demographic within Reddit to which Hubski will appeal, and they will eventually find it.