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hubskier for: 4420 days
This is actually an interesting idea. As a semi-independent commonwealth they would have a degree of "flexibility". Belle Isle straddles Canada so it could attempt to become a pseudo-free trade zone (FTZ). Since they could label their products "Made in U.S.A." but have a minimum wage below the federal rate and possibly exert control over customs and immigration enforcement.
I am a new member as well and essentially, I am searching for an internet forum that facilitates a high quality of discourse. I define the quality of discourse as a function of two properties: a breadth of perspective and the depth of discussion. Unfortunately, these two factors are often at odds with each other so the objective is to find a suitable Goldilocks middle. Low Breadth discussions are often conducive to Depth but are limiting in that they are insulated from dissenting perspectives (see circlejerk). On the other hand, high Breadth discussions are frequently polarizing and lead to visceral, antagonistic arguments to the detriment of constructive analysis (see flamewars). It is a bit too early to tell if hubski can deliver an acceptable confluence but I am hopeful.
The Louisiana Science Education Act is such an unusual artifact. It is baffling that Creationism has thrived in the State when it is so hostile to Catholic Theistic Evolution. I realize that modern Louisiana is distinguished by an admixture of Christianity but Catholic tradition molded the sociocultural landscape and continues to dominate State politics today. Is it just apathy from lapsed Catholics and waning Papal influence that allowed these fundamentalists to co-opt the discourse?