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ihaveahadron  ·  4128 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Alcohol as Escape from Perfectionism

Just another example of the feminist craze this country is experiencing.

ihaveahadron  ·  4129 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What does it mean to deserve to get into college?

The word deserve is thrown around a lot. I love how you constantly hear about how much random strangers deserve something. Like they just deserve it for existing. Especially kids. What has any kid done to deserve anything? Life isn't fair but when you starting telling people they deserve something it makes it look like it is when it's really not. I call things like they are and I tell people they "get" stuff not deserve. This is why we need a pure communist government so people actually do get what they "deserve". And end the lottery. I can't think of anyone less deserving of anything than the average lottery winner.

ihaveahadron  ·  4134 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Life after /b/

I miss the old internet.

ihaveahadron  ·  4134 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Happened?

God made the words disappear because you are his chosen prophet. It's a sign he wants you to start a cult in order to spread the truth that he wants his children to make statues and do other weird stuff in order to please him.

I'll be your first member if you want.

ihaveahadron  ·  4134 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Different, and the Same

I am like that. I have always gone against what was popular. And then what I like becomes popular I change sometimes into what was popular in the past. I don't do this on purpose but it always seems to happen.

You appear to be both physically and physiologically attracted to men. It's ok america is into that lately.

You want a man then. Physically you may be attracted to women but psychologically you want a man.

This is why i only replied to kakfe. I'm sure there are professional Chinese women, however the majority are not. On my visa application to china one of the "professions" listed was housewife. That would never be an option in america.

Also spousal rape is an oxymoron. I know you've probably drank so much of the feminist kool aid that that statement probably blows your mind.

I want to go to japan too but i'll probably go to china.

    I definitely agree with you on how I'd like women to be, but IMO they should be free to do as they like. Just like how historically, people liked slaves, but the slaves should be free to do as they like. Likes =/= what should be.

And this is where I disagree. First of all I have a problem with the idea that women are or have been oppressed. It's an insult to my intelligence to tell me that women (at least the lucky ones) were oppressed by having all their needs payed for and being able to fulfill their maternal instincts free of danger or hard work, while men were out doing heavy labor and risking their lives.

Really you can give all the opinions you want on which is the superior society but let's look at the proof. Let's compare china with america. In china women are traditionally feminine. They are mostly looking for a guy to love and have a family with. When a girl in china get's divorced her life is ruined. She has no financial support and has no prospects of finding another husband. The result is a very low divorce rate and in turn (assuming they aren't starving) they are happy.

Then you look at america where women are openly encouraged to divorce their husbands. The result is the freakshow we have today where the average woman has 5 "baby daddies". You have men stripped of their paternal instincts to protect their families, and then you have messed up children who don't have a father to look up to, which creates more fucked up men and women.

This is all the result of feminism.

Well to be honest i don't really care about what other people want only what i want. Let me simplify this for you. I want society to be like the asians. Their women make our women look like ogres. I am just a pissed off american who lost my wife to feminists (which is basically everybody) and i don't like manly women. You can live in this feminist hellhole of a country while i'll be in korea or china where real women exist.

My definition of masculinity is a lot different than what most people think of. To me being a man has to do with protecting women and children (especially your wife and children). That's it. I'm not talking about macho bullshit. However, many of the behaviors associated with masculinity just so happen to also be about protecting women and children, such as being strong. In fact I think a guy who goes out of his way to do some macho bullshit in an attempt to be "manly" is actually a sign of weakness.

I have struggled to come up with any further reply here because our views are so different.

Let me put it this way, i want women to be like this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7mPqycQ0tQ

I'm apparently completely alone here because I keep hearing about men and women being equal and nobody even knows what that means. Equal in what? If by equal you mean "the same" then you're wrong. If by equal you mean equal legal rights than that is impossible unless you create 1 legal gender for everyone. You can't have equal rights when you have two legal classifications of humans. You can try but in 100 years the only thing you will accomplish is creating more angry feminists wondering why men and women aren't the same. And you can't make us all the same gender because of our gender differences.

I am for gender roles. I encourage feminine behavior in women and masculine behavior in men. Just because a woman has the "right" to act like a man doesn't mean I don't have the right to look down upon them for doing that. Men don't make good women and vice versa.

Also I disagree with stereotyping being wrong, in fact one of the problems people have is that they don't stereotype. As an example if you see a black person in the street you are 100% more likely to be robbed by him than if it was a white guy. That is science. It doesn't matter if that black guy won't rob you, you don't know that and all you know is the statistical likelihood that you will be robbed by him. This is partly what I mean by people becoming dumber. We fail to see facts because of stupid concepts like not stereotyping. I could give an example for every stereotype that exists. The fact is we all stereotype and if anyone were to 100% not stereotype anything they would not be able to function in society.

I think there is a widening gap in intelligence. At the lower end I think the average dumb person is getting much dumber. However intelligent people are getting more intelligent. And no i'm not implying the users of this site are dumb. I'm here to get away from the dumb people on reddit.

The problem I have with liberal people is that they think that feminism is part of being intelligent when in fact feminism is a very simple and dumb idea, but they fail to see that.

I don't know what the users here think but is anyone else getting sick of this feminism bullshit. How fucking stupid are people getting all of a sudden. Genders and races are all different. THIS IS COMMON SENSE. This is not an opinion, it is a fact that people are getting dumber and this feminism bullshit is growing stronger every fucking day.

ihaveahadron  ·  4139 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: Where are you from?

I'm from Seattle.

But i'm living in Watertown, NY right now. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/dc/Publicsqu...

ihaveahadron  ·  4141 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Friends Without Benefits

Girls are supposed to be socially submissive that's why they are girls. Sex isn't expected though.

ihaveahadron  ·  4142 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Have You Been Playing Lately?

The only game I play is Starcraft II.

ihaveahadron  ·  4142 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is your guilty pleasure?

That's the song that got me to listen to jpop. I listen to kyary now secretly. Also capsule is really good.

ihaveahadron  ·  4142 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is your guilty pleasure?

I listen to kpop and jpop. I love it. I don't think i'll tell anybody though.

ihaveahadron  ·  4142 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What will eventually cause Reddit to lose its popularity?

Before digg killed itself reddit was really good. Now in comparison even the old digg is an oasis compared to the shithole that is now reddit. I'd like to kick kevin roses' ass. If he didn't fuck up digg then digg would be popular right now since the idiotic masses would be attracted to the bright colors of digg and reddit would still be good. What a fucking idiot that guy is digg could be worth half a billion by now if he didn't ruin it.

ihaveahadron  ·  4143 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What will eventually cause Reddit to lose its popularity?

I've been using reddit for 7 years. For the past 3 years it has gone to shit. I hate it now. I've been waiting for this site for years. I feel like I've become much stupider since reddit went downhill. Thank god I never have to go back to that pit of hell.