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hubskier for: 4453 days
I would also be happy to help with this in any way I can.
I think ##hubski would have worked, but I agree that getting #hubski is a good thing.
thundara AFAIK anyone you give founder access should be able to freely give founder access. I don't know if you need it or not, but this is a good reference that I go back to all the time when I can't remember something related to ChanServ. It's not perfect, but it's the best I've managed to find. Good referene for any admins that might not be too IRC savvy as well (mk, thenewgreen, insomniasexx, forwardslash). Hope it helps!
Genesis - Dancing with the Moonlit Knight (Progressive Rock) Leo Kottke - Too Fast (Instrumental Roots Country/Folk) Arctic Monkeys - Red Lights Indicate Doors Are Secured [Indie Rock] River City Extension - Something's Gotta Give (Indie Folk Rock)
mk, forwardslash we may be able to get #hubski on freenode by appealing to the Freenode staff. I've been talking with thundara and it comes down to this: since Freenode is technically aimed at FOSS projects, the appeal may be helped by either a) making the site itself open source -or-
b) leveraging hubski support of arc / being built on the same codebase as hackernews
I think we should definitely pursue getting #hubski from the freenode staff. It shouldn't be hard as long as an admin does it, and official IRCs are great places for communities to hang out.
1. Trumpet for 12 years. Started playing because I wanted to do band in middle school and when I was growing up my dad was in a jazz group with his friend who is an awesome trumpeter, so I grew up enjoying the instrument. 2. Piano for 7 years. Started playing in high school because I got bored of only playing trumpet. Definitely my favorite instrument to play. 3. Guitar for 4 years. Started playing in college because I didn't have access to a piano any more and I have what I'd almost call a need to be musical. Had to play something, and a friend was selling a guitar for 50 bucks.
No problem! I'm absolutely mesmerized every time I watch him play...absolutely stunning.
That's cool...I lived in 153 Hemenway last year. So far the only definite plans I have for co-op is that my first one starts in July and ends in December lol Beyond that I have no idea what I'll be doing or where I'll be doing it. Are you in class or on co-op?
Absolutely FANTASTIC film. It's not Tarantino's best, but it's definitely a cut above most movies. The performances were absolutely stunning, especially Samuel L. Jackson's. I was a huge fan of DiCaprio's, Foxx's, and Watlz's performances as well, but there was just something special about the way Jackson played his character. Great plot, great direction, and great acting combine to form an amazing movie. A distinctly Tarantino movie.
For the sake of those who haven't seen it we should avoid spoilers, but which scene are you referring to? I can't remember feeling uncomfortable at all...
Unfortunately not :/ I actually live in Boston, so I'm more than a short trip away from Raleigh. If you want to see some cool cello playing check out this video. I saw him perform live at a jazz festival in Boston last year and it was absolutely amazing.
I actually live on campus. I'm over on the Columbus Ave side. Are you off campus?
Damn haha there are so many mediocre things on yourube with 100k hits, yet somehow te good stuff gets passed over! What's the name of your channel?
That's some really cool stuff you're playing! What tuning(s) do you use (for the lap tapping stuff) and do you have any other videos? I'd love to check em out if you do. May I also recommend you post some of your stuff to Youtube? I think there's a good chance it'd be well received. Not saying you'd get famous or anything, but you never know ;)
Don't have any photos readily available, but I play trumpet, guitar, piano, and bass. I'm classically trained on both trumpet and piano, and I have a small amount of jazz training on both trumpet and guitar. I've been playing trumpet for about 10 years, piano for about 6, and guitar and bass for about a year. I also started messing around with drums about 6 months ago and I've gotten somewhat decent. I'd absolutely love to learn cello, but they're way too damn expensive for this poor college kid :/ As for models: Trumpet- Yamaha YTR-4335G (hopefully be upgrading soon)
Guitar- Espana Classical
Piano- Yamaha YDP-S30 Digital Piano
Bass- Univox Coily
I've considered it, but there are a few really good things that keep me going back. The smaller subs that I subscribe to (listentous, bookexchange, depthhub, recipes etc) sometimes have great content that's hard to find anywhere else. Also, due to the large user base I can almost always find answers to my more difficult questions (techsupport has helped me on more than one occasion). While I agree that most of reddit is becoming a dumbed down collection of puns, memes, and stupidity, there are still a few things that keep me going back.
Last time I was on Omegle I don't remember them having that feature, but I just checked it out and it looks intriguing. Unfortunately, when I typed conversation I got the message that Omegle couldn't find anyone with the same interests, but still that feature might finally make that website worth using!
I'm currently a sophomore Chemical Engineering/Physics major at Northeastern University in Boston. Great school, great city, great people.
I usually have a hard time getting past: A) The people who (in text) begin with "asl?" because they use the site when they get horny, not when they want to have an actual conversation B) The (video chat) exhibitionists who start the conversation with their dick in their hands. Although I do have to admit I've had maybe one or two good conversations on that site.
I don't particularly like rap/hip-hop, but I was really impressed by this song the first time I heard it. For your listening pleasure I present you with Mad Rad-"Underwater"
I have to admit, that post is what directed me here. I've only been on Reddit for ~8 months (and I do still like it), but I've recently been getting somewhat annoyed with some of the less intelligent things I see on Reddit. After only being on here for about half an hour I'm already impressed. Undoubtedly it'll take a little bit to get used to, but I think I'll come to love hubski very quickly. Thank you to the site creator(s)/admin(s) for setting up this community and thank you to the users for caring about thoughtful content instead of reposts of thoughtless memes!