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Aussie, appreciates quality discussion and sharing of ideas. :)
Wow, rd95. That's horrific. I'm glad that you're alive, even if, as you say, it's like going through puberty again. It's brave sharing this stuff, especially online, but I'm glad you did. If I could hug you, I would, brother. Not much else I have to say, except you're awesome. Thanks for sharing. :)
One of the things that interests me about Asperger's, perhaps ASD in general, is sensor overload. Most of us have filters that block out noises/senses/whatever to prevent the overload from happening. Am I right in assuming people with ASD don't have those filters? If I may ask, what is meant by this?I'm 'on the spectrum,' but not by much
I've had a break from university, about a week in fact. I'm starting classes again today. I watched a show on the ABC, which is Australia's national broadcaster. It's called Employable Me, and features three people with neurological conditions attempting to obtain employment. It was pretty eye-opening in a lot of ways. Firstly, how people with neurological disorders (autism, Tourette's) find it difficult to even get jobs and stick to it. Secondly, what it's like to be a parent of a child with such a disorder. Most of the people on the show were in a single-parent family, which might say a lot how taxing it would be for the parents. Thirdly, employers need to see the abilities of their candidates, rather than their disability. Overall, I quite enjoyed it.
Plus box sets look really cool on your shelf! There's something satisfying about owning a complete series on DVD or Blu-ray, in my opinion.
Yeah, that is true. I still like the tactile nature of physical media, though.
Quantum Leap. Definitely recommend it, if you can get your hands on a DVD of the series. Depends if you're into sci-fi/time travel (but it's more dramatic than sci-fi).Never saw, but mentioned in the thread?
You're right, dude, that is sad. Great story, though! I felt your pain quite keenly. I wonder about those poor souls who got caught in the middle of the transition from VHS to DVD. You've got a stash of tapes with entire seasons of TV shows stored away in them. How do you cope with the fact that DVDs offer more storage space than analogue tapes?
Not every season on DVD, mind you. Damn, steve, how many VHS tapes did it take to store the whole series?
I'm actually young enough to say that Northern Exposure is before my time (I was born 2 years after the show ended). Guess that would make first run viewers feel old.
Thanks for this amazing list, rd95. I agree about Get Smart. Amazing show, and it still gets laughs to this day. Personally, under Cartoons, I'd also put Beavis and Butt-Head. It's dumb and crude, but it is a fantastic satire of teenage life, and it is just a hilarious show in general. I agree, there's so many great shows out there to whittle it down to a single show. I put Quantum Leap there because that's the one I've been watching recently. There are many more that I regard as classics.
My dad used to love that show! He'd watch it on DVD quite often, though I never really got into it. Actually, Quantum Leap has two actors from Northern Exposure in one episode, called Catch a Falling Star. Janine Turner and John Cullum (thanks, IMDB, for that last one.)
So, I wrote this poem yesterday. As a Christian, I thought that people might need to hear this message of hope and encouragement. Beautiful Are you not as valuable As the birds in the sky The fish in the sea And the lilies of the field? The Creator Himself wove you Every fabric stitched just so All of you was seamlessly made Not a corner untouched by His mark What we see as imperfections God sees as perfections Your purpose He thought out Long before you took your first breath He made you beautiful Blameless in His eyes His steady hand created you You are His masterpiece Does God not cherish you As he does the flowers of the earth The mighty oceans roaring Or the trees standing tall as giants? He does, my friend, He does Your value is more than you think You are loved more than you ever imagined And His plans for you are grander than your wildest dreams.
So, you're saying that if you buy this: The resulting flavour would be nothing like cream cheese and strawberry? Come to think of it, does cream cheese and strawberry even combine well for a breakfast food?Because they taste like they're trying to taste like what you see on the box, but they don't actually know what you see on the box should taste like.
I seriously had to Google what they are. No, we don't have them in Australia. You guys (assuming you're American) have come up with, er, creative foods to have for breakfast. Why are they depressing to eat?You guys don't have Toaster Strudels or Toaster Scrambles down there? They're depressing as hell to eat, but fast, efficient, and filling.
For me: 1. Slade Alive! - Slade (one of the best live albums ever recorded, IMO.) 2. Master of Puppets - Metallica (Brilliant thrash metal album, one of Metallica's best. 'Damage Inc.', 'Disposable Heroes' and 'Master of Puppets' are my highlights off this album.) 3. Slayed? - Slade (Great hard rocking tracks on this, released when they were nearly at the height of popularity. 'Gudbuy, Gudbuy', 'Gudbuy T'Jane' and 'Mama Weer All Crazee Now' are highlights.) 4. Ride the Lightning - Metallica (Another great early Metallica album, highlights include 'Creeping Death', 'Fight Fire with Fire' and 'Trapped Under Ice'. 5. Ass - Badfinger (Last album recorded while the band were at Apple Records, some great songs here, 'Apple of My Eye', 'Blind Owl' and 'Timeless' are my favourites.)
Thanks, Goobster! I will definitely remember this for next time. While I tend not to swear as much as possible, I don't really mind if I get that on Hubski. Kinda like banter between friends. Cheers! Out of curiosity, what's your favourite form of writing? I really enjoy writing short stories, because there's a certain art to packing a story into a few pages. I also like poetry, because if I'm feeling particularly emotive, I can channel it into poems. They don't necessarily have to rhyme, but they can have a poetic structure to them. As for reading, what do you like to read? I tend to read non-fiction, particularly history books and biographies.Life here on Hubski is good, friendly, and fun. We also use a LOT of expletives in totally non-mean ways. So if you think you are being yelled at, think about the last time you were three pints in, sitting with a friend at a bar, and he said, "No, WAIT. Dude. Fucking LISTEN... it's like this, man... we NEED Airbourne, because AC/DC abdicated when they canned Brian Johnson! Right? I mean, fucking RIIIIIGHT?!?"
Welcome fellow writer-person!
Probably a dumb set of questions but here goes. Does being transgender affect the chances of employment? Are employers more open to hiring trans people these days? What has your job experience been like?
A track from Badfinger's final album, Say No More (1981).
The notifications on your phone begin to get more and more specific towards your life situation...
I hate it when my parents use magic to prove a point. Yesterday my dad conjured up the spirits of drunk drivers. Despite being dead, they all recalled the horrific details of their accidents. Only with my folks does 'scare 'em straight' involve using ghosts to accomplish that. And then my sister started dating a boy. Mum transformed herself into a fly, then listened in on their conversations (yes, she became a literal fly on the wall). She was not pleased by their contents; supposedly, they were littered with innuendo. In any case, my sister was forbidden to date this guy again. Don't get me wrong, they're doting parents and they obviously love my sister and I. Why does every lecture require magic to prove that they're right? Why can't they use some damn logic for once? I hate it when my parents use magic to prove a point.
Thanks, @Dala! I hope your day has been fantastic.Welcome!
Wow, wasn't aware of this! Cheers, dude. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised! This site's community looks to be amazing! Looking forward to discussing stuff! Thanks @rd95!Dude, if those are your interests, you're in a pretty good place. We have another recent member, historyarch, who has made some pretty interesting history threads. The musical tastes of people on this website are varied and fascinating, so totally dive into bfv's weekly music threads. This place is full of creative types, from writers to painters to musicians.
I don't know how to quote you, sorry, but here's what I like to discuss: History and historical events. I like thinking about the causes of major events and what we can learn about them. Writing in general, how people write and what motivates them. Vinyl records and 70s music in general. Some of my favourites from the period include Slade, a bit of Elton John and Badfinger. Yeah, that's a pretty eclectic list, but those are my main interests!
Yesterday, I joined Hubski for the first time! I was intrigued by how it all works, and from my lurking I noticed the high quality discussions being made. So, I was only too happy to join! I really haven't done anything that warrants a wall of text. I have been at university studying a professional writing degree. Classes are interesting, mostly, and I do feel I am improving in my writing. Of course, I am cognisant that nothing I write is going to be perfect, but simply trying is the best way to go. Although I don't exactly relish getting up early in the morning for early classes, where I live in Australia, the sunrise often looks beautiful! It'll be streaked with purple or perhaps light pink. It's simply delightful. Have a great day, everyone!