I'm not sure if he has ever designed a house? He's an architect and he has one of the best aesthetics of anyone I know. Plus he's one of my favorite people, so what could go wrong?
Aww - TNG. You do care. I like you too pal. I do design houses. My firm typically has four or five on the go - at various stages of design. I'm anxious to see what kind of homes you're into. Post some for me here when you have a moment. You want one in NC? You guys should buy some acreage - with rolling hills. I'll put something in the ground for you. Chances are 100% that it will not have a glu-lam curved roof. EDIT: If I were to live nested. It'd be in something more like this:
Aw, I love that house. I've seen it many times and often wondered if the owners wake up everyday loving it. It looks so elegant and utilitarian in a way that would make it feel very "of course this is the way the house is designed." That's rad that you're an architect. I wish you would've weighed in on our minimal discussion on The Fountainhead as I would've loved to have had an architect's perspective on the text and of Roark.
Yeah, I was sort of kidding. I would guess that having one of your close friends design a home for you to be a good way to ruin a friendship. Still, my wife and I have always thought it would be cool to have him do it.
I figured it was a good opportunity to rip on engineers a little :) Sometimes friendships need stress to grow. I mean, if you can't punch a friend in the face confident that they'll forgive you and be willing to punch you in the face too, if only so that you can both move past it, well . . . how strong could that friendship be?