I didn't know we were at 30,000 monthly visitors. Who's nigel? What's his hubski handle?
um... 30 k discreet monthly visitors? or is it just me, theadvancedapes, thenewgreen, humanodon, and flagamuffin visiting 6 k times a month?
lil I can confirm that they are unique visitors. While there is a small handful of us providing much of the content here, there is a larger number that seem to enjoy reading it. We get between 700 and 1200 visits a day on average right now. What's nice is that number bumps up slightly every month and then we will have a big influx of new users and it will rise dramatically and then normalize again. I can remember when having 200 in one day was worth celebrating. Who knows, maybe someday having 20,000 will be the new normal? The key will be to still see humanodon, theadvancedapes, lil and flagamuffin in my feed because that's who I follow.
That would be me. :) I came to Hubski a while ago after seeing it mentioned on Reddit, and really enjoyed the change of pace. Long form, civilized discussion and the rest. I'm still not completely sure about the format, I think it could be a little confusing for newcomers (esp those who are used to a simpler way to 'subscribe' to content) since it's not instantly clear what the best way to access content is. In my case I just set up a feed of a number of tags and have that in my feed reader for general access. It seems to work.