"Hostile Witness" I also notice stripper names that come up in conversation. I should start keeping a list of these. Sadly, the only one I remember right now is Busty Mildew.
There were some great porn star names here. I'm completely the wrong person to suggest any band names given my history: 15 years old: Something Other Than Cheese
17 years old: Grover
19 years old: Welly
28 years old to present: the New Green All horrible names.
That pornstar formula didn't work for me. I got "Bill Griffith" which happens to be the name of the guy that draws "Zippy."
The New Green is an awesome name. And I wouldn't be too hard on your teenage self. Everything I did when I was a teenager was idiotic.
Where does 'the New Green' come from, anyway?
My wife had a fashion magazine that said "orange is the new pink." She suggested "the new green." I liked it because green is my favorite color and it can be associated with so many things. Envy, pot, money, conservation etc. Not much thought went in to it beyond that.