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comment by lil
lil  ·  4223 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, tell me what you feel about love.

I didn't contribute to the previous love discussion 2.5 months ago. I didn't want to think about love then, and I didn't even want to read the postings about it. It must be a seasonal thing. So here we are again, and here's my nickel's worth (they are discontinuing the penny in Canada).

    You can be as broad or as specific as you want.
I will be broad here, gordonz88. You will get over all the pain of love. Later on you won't believe how stupid in love you were: the obsession, the stalking, the longing. And later, when you are over it, you'll be so glad that it all went down. Somewhere down the line, when you are over it, you will kind of miss it, be glad you went through it, and vow to be smarter about it next time. Maybe you will be smarter, maybe just luckier. You will learn to protect your heart; then you will realize that you have to leave it open and vulnerable if you are going to have a life at all. You'll dive in again, and be hurt again - but you'll be certain this time that you will recover and recovery will come sooner (or later).

thenewgreen will miss his dog like crazy when it predeceases him...but his grief will be mediated by his gratefulness for all the ears of dogpalsmanship.

    I've seen the nations rise and fall Heard their stories, heard them all - But love's the only engine of survival -
(Leonard Cohen, "The Future")

If you've had at least one big, crazy, wrong-headed passion that doesn't end in broken glass, then it's been a good run.

b_b  ·  4223 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What a beautiful song. For some reason, The Future never got as popular as other Cohen albums, but I would argue that it might be his best. And, the title track is a masterpiece. Of course, the line you quote is followed by the chorus, which for all you non-Cohen fans is: "When they said, 'Repent,' I wonder what they meant." I've always taken this to mean something along the lines of, "How do we know when we're acting like sinners, and anyway what business is it of yours?" The beginning of the song is about desire for dark pleasures. "It's lonely here. There's no one left to torture," and, "Give me crack and anal sex," he continues. So much of the song sounds angry to me. But, as you quote, "Love's the only engine of survival." Its a juxtaposition that I don't quite get other than to surmise that he is trying to say that love is what grants one salvation, despite what one's immediate desires may be.

lil  ·  4223 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks b_b: Yes, love grants one salvation -- and more! the engine of survival -- the motor of our existence -- the get up and get to it because of "love" in any and all of its meanings.

    So come, my friends, be not afraid We are so lightly here. It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear.
-- Leonard Cohen, "Boogie Street"
user-inactivated  ·  4223 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Love is not a victory march...

lil  ·  4223 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah - Thanks Flaga. That is somewhat my point above. My read on "Hallelujah" is this: over and over Cohen talks about the pain of love, but he still ends every stanza with Hallelujah - which is gratefulness and praise. Even a cold and broken hallelujah is still a miracle.

thenewgreen  ·  4223 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Great song. A while back zomberry made a post with a conversation analyzing those lyrics that I really enjoyed reading. lil, I think you would dig it too.

user-inactivated  ·  4223 days ago  ·  link  ·  

...wow. Some of the posts in that thread are amazing. What a song.