I hope this isn't spam, but thenewgreen was kind enough to send me stickers when I asked about them in a previous post.
This is honestly the most generous/most enjoyable online community I've found in quite a while. You're all great :)
At the moment imgur is having problems, but once they're not I'll post a mirror photo there.
Just remember...if you go anywhere don't forget them. Ghetto hubski stickers are not as nice: http://hubski.com/pub?id=48549
I don't think this is worthy of its own post, but this brought to mind an idea I had today that it would be fun to make political/issue bumper stickers that were frustratingly wrong. The first that came to mind were: "Who is Jim Galt?"
"Out of a Job yet? Keep buying American!"
"Choose Choice"
"Free China" They have to fail completely.
Oh god. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Nice work. It's not as good but: "shave the rain forest".
ha... these are from a blog I kept a few years ago: http://stevenoticed.blogspot.com/2010/12/oh-yeah.html
http://stevenoticed.blogspot.com/2010/04/so-confused.html and these pleasant gems:
That's funny because I am 96.73% sure there is no antichrist :) I wonder if the people with a bunch of bumper stickers on their cars are all people that really would like to get tattoos but are too scared.
I've only ever had 2 bumper "stickers". 1. Jon Edwards excuse me, I just threw up a little in my mouth -luckily it was a magnet and not a sticker and was easily removed. 2. Hubski
Just to be clear: you don't think this event (thenewgreen sending me stickers) is worthy of a post, or the bumper sticker idea that you mentioned?
Also, I need an imgur replacement as well. I'm fed up with the 25% probability of successfully uploading photos. Been about a month now. What's really creepy is sometimes my ghostery pops up 40+ things on imgur homepage.
Yeah, I've been thinking of rolling my own little image sharing service for just me as a project. I already have a really tiny domain: http://xwl.me Currently it's just a wget of the home page of where I used to work, but one day I hope to actually use it for something.
I've thrown images up on my domain before when I get frustrated, but for certain sites I don't want people to know my info or think it's spam.
Yeah, I know the feeling. I have two main web sites connected to me: my official website that bears my name, and then my "internet self" domain that isn't as closely affiliated with my real name. My "internet self" site is still pretty connected to me though, what with DNS registration info and such.
Hey, thenewgreen, could you send me some more? I ran out of the ones I was handing out at Michigan Skeptics meetings.
I got some not too long ago too. Such nice fellows the Hubski creaters are Edit: I think imgur messed up...
I have some more if anyone is interested. pm me while supplies last. Glad they arrived safely. Thanks for the post, glad you dig it here.
Yeah, they arrived safe and sound. Thanks for the kind words on the envelope and my very own little hubwheel!