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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  4118 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Mother's 18-Point iPhone Contract to Her Son

I've always found it abhorrent that children don't have any assumed right to privacy. Having a private life is kind of necessary to maintain your sanity. But adults are always the ones who make the rules, and so long as they don't have any kind of respect for minors the situation stays the same. No one chooses to be a child. Parents, however, often choose to be parents, but then they have the assumed right of dictating the life of their child. For those who have good parents, its not an issue. For those who don't, its like being born into prison for 18 years. Think on this: A child is the only person whom you can legally hit maliciously.