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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  760 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post:

That's literally the most enduring talking point and legal-defense-but-not-really made by the J6 rioters and Trump.

FBI incitement definitely happens, but an increasing number of Trumpists are farrrrrrr past needing any nudges from law enforcement to go full-on kamikaze. And the FBI probably isn't trying to incite many people to attack... the FBI.

If only 0.01% of all Trump 2020 voters are willing to commit violence to aid Emperor Godking (I think the true percentage is prolly quite a bit higher), that's 7,000 terrorists. Granted, they're much too stupid to organize well, on their own, but that's what T̶w̶i̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ TRUTH Social is for.

kleinbl00  ·  760 days ago  ·  link  ·  

We have zero confusion about "willing to commit violence." You continue to assume "able to commit USEFUL violence" is a given.

We have seen the sum total of Team Trump's organizational prowess. They had all three branches of government, they had social media, they had support from Russia, they had tear gas on the streets, they had disavowed border patrol squads in rented vans cruising Portland to arrest people, they had an entire political party announcing their platform was "whatever Trump says." All that? some shit smeared on the walls, a bunch of congresscritters (justifiably) cowering in their offices and the whole of government waiting for them to get bored and go home.

What's the pathway to power from here? They will never again get as far as January 6th, and January 6th was miles and miles and miles away from a successful coup.

We got dumb shits walking into Walmart with three ARs because they hate Mexicans. I'm not about to say the MAGAts lack a limitless capacity for violence. But it doesn't do anything. Imagine how much more effective two idiots with nailguns would have been? Holy shit - what if there were three of them! But the Gretchen Whitmer conspiracy, which may or may not have been goaded on by the FBI, didn't even make it to a credible threat against the governor of Wisconsin.

"If anyone wants to do it, no amount of protection is enough. All a man needs is a willingness to trade his life for mine."

- John F. Kennedy

Things have gotten a bit more Hard Mode since Lee Harvey Oswald. Still, "lone crazy" is the way to go: "lone crazy" got John Kennedy, "lone crazy" got Bobby Kennedy, "lone crazy" almost got Reagan, "a bunch of people talking" gets you "maybe they were gonna try and knock off John Bolton eventually."

The fucking Proud Boys invited a documentary crew along

And I mean, they were hardly the first. I'll go ahead and posit a maxim: the more attention your organization attracts, the less you will accomplish in the future.

So. All the right needs is a charismatic, secretive, competent and dedicated organization capable of thwarting a forewarned Deep State whose sole purpose is to restore Donald Trump to power for some reason.

What are the odds of that, do you think?