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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  857 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post:

    Tulsi Gabbard? She's marching to her own drum.

Well, the human mealworm is out there, I saw him on Fox a week or two ago. His delivery sucks. The others, I will grant you agreement, but not Tulsi, who is currently covering for Tucker Carlson's primetime slot. I guess if "the beat of her own drum" constitutes pretending to be a leftist for a few years while parroting right wing extremist talking points, sure. Her delivery is even worse. It makes you realize how much Tucker routinely gets away with saying, just because of how he says it.

    Trump is definitely going to run Trump.

100% agree on that, I just don't see the party managing to shake him. Even when he lies so poorly that by the time his sycophants in congress repeat his most recent lie, he's already contradicted them with a brand new one. Meh, it doesn't matter too much who leads the fascists, because we are still woefully far from confronting the underlying issues driving this faux-populist bullshit.

Check this out though. Batshit. It's a level of absurdity so high that I'm pretty sure you could convince even the most hardcore Tucker fans that it's grade-AA whackadoodle. It might take a whole four minutes to debunk those two minutes of content. It's crazy how radical political rhetoric is allowed to get if it's completely insulated from criticisms. The best is how it ends, like, the viewer is supposed to think "No, the threat of violence is NOT from the extremists. It's from republicans, like me!"

kleinbl00  ·  857 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang are craven opportunists. They'll do whatever gets them further. Joe Lieberman was the same way.

And that's the important thing to realize: the whole of the Trump coterie are craven opportunists. Some of them calculated sooner than others that the opportunities had dried up. You're talking about a political party with zero institutional memory and loyalty only when it matters: how much is it going to cost every Republican auditor in the country to go "yeah you know what actually Trump did lose the election" as soon as he becomes sufficiently toxic?

You're missing the point with Tulsi Gabbard. It's not about what can be debunked. It's about enjoying the same media experience.

am_Unition  ·  857 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hahahahahha, thanks, I love every Seagal-Russia installation. Aikido is hilarious, too. The fact that he's allowed to do what he does and not lose his citizenship or face legal recourse (vs. any Russian celebrity coming over here to spout anti-Kremlin propaganda) tells you everything you need to know about which country is actually fascist.

    zero institutional memory

Case in point: Tulsi endorsed Biden after dropping out of her 2020 POTUS primary running. Two years later, sleepy Joe is a terrifying dictator. Comedy gold.

    how much is it going to cost every Republican auditor in the country to go "yeah you know what actually Trump did lose the election" as soon as he becomes sufficiently toxic?

I know I'm supposed to say "nothing", but for some, their lives could be threatened. Even after GOP leadership attempts to dump him. And it scares me that more GOP leadership isn't using this FBI search and seizure to do exactly that. edit: Well damn, maybe some are trying after all?

kleinbl00  ·  857 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I guess this is where I plead age: The BATF, which had gotten in the habit of excessive force against extremists, used excessive force against extremists and killed a mom and son with sniper fire. A year (TO THE DAY!) later, the BATF used excessive force and caused a whole bunch of people to get killed by sniper fire ( same sniper BTW). This caused reprisals and, on the part of the BATF, introspection.

This may be controversial for me to say, but if you were a right-leaning patriot with a casual disrespect of government authority, the police state was out to get you in the '90s. There were legitimate criticisms of the way the BATF, DOJ and FBI, under the direction of the Democratic Clinton administration, approached policing of right-wing extremism. This caused over-reaction by the right wing and by the Clinton administration, whereby the Clinton administration started pussy-footing around Nazis and the right wing splintered into the Tim McVeigh wing

and the Alex Jones wing.

9:26 for the lazy; both clips were filmed at Waco in the same week, not sure about the same day.

The Tim McVeigh wing was at "do something" and something they did, expecting it to ignite a civil war as the Turner Diaries have long assured them it would. It did not and they were largely disillusioned. The Montana Freemen, the Bundys, every separatist movement on the Right went "well, I guess it's us, best keep our heads down 'cuz the cavalry ain't comin'." The Alex Jones wing was at "shout about it" and shout they did, acknowledging that the inability of the Tim McVeigh wing to accomplish anything meant they had a bulletproof grift until the end of time, the ability to bark at pedestrians from the safety of the couch because mommy was never going to open the screen door and force an interaction with the evil monster on the sidewalk. I find it extremely ironic that Tim McVeigh sold bumper stickers, determined it wasn't doing anything, and proceeded to murder nineteen children, 40 HUD employees, 35 SSA employees, eleven DOT employees, 5 DEA agents and assorted other innocent bystanders who were in no way anywhere on Janet Reno's org chart. I find it unironic as hell that afterwards, Alex Jones proceeded to build a career around secret cabals.

From my perspective? Crazy rednecks STOPPED taking up arms after Oklahoma City.

April 19, 1992: Ruby Ridge

April 19, 1993: Waco

April 19, 1995: Oklahoma City

'96 and '97 were calm, '98 was Kip Kinkel, '99 was Columbine and from that point forth, the violence was crazy angry teenaged boys. And see, that's just it - fuckin' militias were a real thing growing up. Organized adult males hell-bent on crime and white supremacy? it was just the water we swam in. The fuckin' Proud Boys are a bunch of cosplayers compared to The Order and considering how toothy forensics has gotten in the age of DNA, social media and smart phones, shit ain't never goin' back.

So yeah. "their lives could be threatened." But we've seen what the average deathwish MAGA is capable of.

If you want a taste of what White Privilege violence really looks like, I have a book recommendation.

ButterflyEffect  ·  857 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Wow, that is quite some Northwest history right there...

kleinbl00  ·  857 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh yeah d00d it's a land of crazy rednecks.

It's also on tubi