I'm fucking good at this shit. Nobody cares. I became an engineer because my father is an engineer and when I call he hangs up the phone. He was calling me a criminal for owning cryptocurrency while driving a snitch with five felony convictions to the asshole's methadone appointments, even though he was literally stealing the copper out of the shop wiring.
Solidworks does this shit where it does something dumb, and you google it, and it takes you to Reddit, which is full of assholes going "you obviously don't know what you're doing, Solidworks is pure and beautiful." Some dipshit posted his fucking bicycle, which he modeled in Solidworks, which was like his grad project or some shit, 128 parts.
896 parts and it's just the fucking stand and electricals
Know who taught me Solidworks? A month with a correspondence course. Know who taught me electrical engineering? No one. Know what kept this shit from working? Amazon selling resistors that are airgaps.
All my life I've wanted one fucking atta-boy and here I am, pushing 50, recognizing that I was never going to get one. This is also like the eighth time in my life where I've been out past the point where you can even find someone to ask and I'm starting to get sick of it.
Go ahead. Ask when it's going to be done. 'cuz you know what? There's eight spreadsheets worth of electrical connections but I know where each and every one of them goes. I figured that shit out last week.
you might be an engineer if your wiremold comes with parabolic arches
It's a tragedy that your parents haven't ever and apparently cannot give you any credit for developing, with little help, into the person you are. I know this is of probably immeasurably small consolation, but I'm a really fucking smart and creative scientist, and I stand in slack-jawed awe of some of the the shit you come up with. Fuck your parents if they can't recognize that.
I appreciate that.
Things have been more difficult of late because my in-laws' lives have pushed things in an unpleasant direction. My mother-in-law definitely has some trauma in her past and her method for dealing with stuff is to repress it and pretend it didn't happen. My father-in-law has learned that you go along to get along.
So when my mother-in-law decided to tear into me for working on a motorcycle because it's a waste of time? I knew that wasn't about me.
And when she refused to stop even after I told her she was being offensive? I knew that was her inability to do anything other than repress it.
And when my father-in-law told my wife at breakfast it was because she's never really liked me and has an axe to grind? I knew that was him refusing to acknowledge that her coping strategies are failing, she's becoming increasingly isolated and that she's lashing out in the darkness.
And when I spent 45 minutes on the phone trying to say
"are you okay? I know this isn't about me, what's it about? Can we please try and work through this"
only to get
"you're not getting anything more than 'I'm sorry you feel bad' have some pretzels"
I knew that was her inability to cope more than anything else.
But it doesn't change the fact that I invited my in-laws over to dinner, got excoriated for doing something neither of them understand, was told it's because they've never liked me anyway and that I should move on...
...because they needed to have ice cream cake at my house two days later because it's my mother-in-law's birthday and then they're going to Ireland with the in-laws who don't disappoint them constantly.
So now I got nobody. Because fuckin' hell, whatever I got going on in my life from this point forth I'm sure as shit not letting them in on.
I've used solidworks, Catia, and NX (UG) and assemblies always shit the bed at the first opportunity. The separation between assemblies that fall apart with hundreds or a thousand parts and assemblies that work with tens of thousands is usually a restrictive assembly design rulebook enforced by the cranky cad-db admin who wrote it threatening to delete all changes until everyone complies.
I switched from Fusion to Solidworks because while Fusion claims to do parametric design, Solidworks actually does. My problems with it are invariably due to hinky shit - more often than not, it's due to Solidworks' weird adamance about lineweights and printing. Lately I've discovered that incorporating parabolas into design allows you to inject math in places you'd really rather just have pretty arches.
But yeah "how do I change my default font" is this whole thing that everyone basically says "uhh don't" about.
"Title blocks are broken again when we print"
"Did you try File-Print or File-Plot? Because you need to quit that. Use the pixelated PLT icon on the custom toolbar that runs the plotting script from 2004 that is somehow easier to fix with each update than fixing all the other configs."
If you find a way getting coordinates from the pretty arches, there's probably a decent way of importing points and turning them into curves or surfaces.
Turns out my manufacturing process isn't fault-tolerant enough for what I'm trying to do anyway
This part has no arches? And it worked at half-size? but apparently the goo built up enough that the printer decided to just knock it the fuck over and then build a rat's nest on top.
If your reach does not exceed your grasp you will never know how far you can stretch, right?