the fact that weedski exists makes me happy. I may not participate in the lifestyle, I am happy for those of you who do. Party safe out there friends.
Dude I'll take stoners over drunks any day. Watching legalization hit LA was magical. It's like the shitty neighborhoods went from pissed off places where people got in fights at night to seedy neighborhoods where people you probably wouldn't invite to your church social were sitting on stoops and staring at streetlights.
I've said it before, I'll say it again... I love high people more than drunk people... but the mechanism is so annoying. I can't smell your booze outside of about a 2 foot radius. But I can smell your rank-ass-shitty-ditch-skunk-weed from several blocks... and there's no avoiding it. I hate it so much. it's an unfortunate side effect I care a lot about, from a primary thing I don't care about at all.
I don't mind weed smell either, but I sure as fuck mind my 1 and 3yo kids being around it. The attitude of a small but noticable minority of people here in michigan since it's become legal is, "Fuck you, it's legal so I'll do what I want, where I want, when I want."