Congratulations man, that's amazing work.
Thanks! I'm surprised to say the least. Applying was very much so an afterthought. I wasn't planning on going for another year but schools cancelled the GRE this year and I didn't want to take a standardized test so I went for it for only my reach schools as a "what-if" kinda thing.
Wait - so you basically said "well shit if you guys aren't doing standardized testing I might as well shoot the moon" and hit it twice? so far? This says so very, very much about the GRE. And it reminds me that Jeff Sellingo's new book is out.
I might have done great on them, just didn't want to take them. They're a huge pain and reduce people to numbers. It's how good did you do on this test and that's it. But it wasn't about how we'll I'd have done, it was about having less than no desire to take them and having the opportunity to not take them present itself. But yeah that's pretty much how it went.
You should have seen that coming and been prepared. You really only have yourself to blame there.