I found this strangely terrifying, but I've also had a dream where invading aliens project videos from the sky of things like teddy bears getting their heads ripped off, by manipulating our atmosphere's constituent molecules and atoms, while the aliens took over Earth within a span of about two minutes. So it could just be me.
The fam does pyro and the designated license-older is currently super-stoked by his DJI so I looked into this. You can rent them from Intel. They come in at about $500 per drone per show so you're looking at a half million dollar show, give or take. Fifteen minutes of bitchin' fireworks would likely come in between $30k and $60k so there's a premium, to be sure, but the drones also do cooler stuff and aren't the environmental apocalypse that a Ryder truck full of black powder and phosphorus is. You can also buy the damn things. Presume this isn't an Intel show, you're looking at maybe $250k worth of gack to make it go. BUT WAIT YOO JUS SED IT WAS HALF A MILLION TO RENT Yeah but now you have to program it and also charge, flight-check, deploy, collect and charge a thousand drones which... well, I reckon it takes a village.