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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1442 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: “An Abuse of Sacred Symbols”: Trump, a Bible, and a Sanctuary

No dude. We're having this discussion because there's a religious official who likely agrees with you 100 percent and you can't get rid of hashtagallreligion.

You're still a fundie. You've just chosen the dogma that pisses your parents off the most. And in the end? What do I care? But that thing around your neck isn't freedom it's just another leash.

orbat  ·  1442 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You can be a real ass sometimes. How about calm it down on the berating others for opinions for a change? OftenBen wasn't wrong about what they said about you previously.

Just… accept that they have a different opinion, have a sensible talk instead of barging in like everyone else is wrong and you're taking heads.

And I honestly, really don't say this with any malice. You just really tend to be overly critical of other people's opinions. They weren't even being critical of religion as such, as far as I could tell