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comment by b_b

I have first hand knowledge of at least one major hydroxychloroquine trial being approved in 4 days from submission because the CEO of a big hospital called the mayor of a big city who personally asked Pence to get involved. They are testing the capacity of hydroxychloroquine to act as a prophylactic against covid for front line health workers. That's how they're running this shit. They wanted to recruit 3,000 people, but I've heard although I do not know for a fact that recruiting for the trial is going really poorly since all the negative data have been reported.

It's pretty much axiomatic in medicine (at least among academic providers) that the results of a small, open-label trial are close to, if not entirely, useless. Hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir are just proving what we all already know: there's no such thing as a miracle cure for a complex disease.

kleinbl00  ·  1535 days ago  ·  link  ·  

In poking around trying to fumble my way through a protocol involving sterilization of cloth masks using 405nm light (because I have one) I came across a lot of research involving porcine coronaviruses. I guess this is because the pork industry has had to deal with coronaviruses for decades now and have generally had really shitty luck treating them. I further saw reference to said porcine coronaviruses on Twitter, pointing out that the pork industry has a shitty time with them because coronaviruses don't provoke much of an immune response. Like, months not years.

We may have to settle on monthly antibody titers or some shit.

b_b  ·  1535 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Apparently SARS did evoke a pretty strong response in a lot of people. The guess is that because it elicits so much stronger of a response than a common cold, that the body built up a lot of antibodies. In one study, they could find antibodies in SARS patients up to 10 years later. We can only hope this is the same. Although I have no idea if only really sick people got strong antibodies or whether it was general. Obviously makes a big difference.

Meanwhile dipshit Guiliani is on Fox News laughing about "How come we don't do contact tracing for heart disease and cancer?" For real. I don't want all the old people in Florida to die, because my mo is an old person in Florida, but for fuck's sake. Someone needs to save us from them.

kleinbl00  ·  1535 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Apparently SARS did evoke a pretty strong response in a lot of people. The guess is that because it elicits so much stronger of a response than a common cold, that the body built up a lot of antibodies. In one study, they could find antibodies in SARS patients up to 10 years later.

Well that's good to know. I've seen far too many Ph.Ds posting shitty n=12 studies lately.

    Meanwhile dipshit Guiliani is on Fox News laughing about "How come we don't do contact tracing for heart disease and cancer?"

First you stop rooting for the Browns in public. Eventually you stop rooting for the Browns even in private. At some point you forget that you were ever a fan of the Browns. The titular and spiritual head of the Republican Party is at drink bleach you'll be fine and at some point, even Jim Jones has breakaways.

b_b  ·  1535 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    ...even Jim Jones has breakaways.

Yeah but that wasn't until a lot people were dying... oh wait, nevermind.