Honestly step 1 is National emergency this is a WW3 level pandemic Step 2 increase testing capacity by having everyone who can test that includes pharma university and other labs. Step 3 waive all uitility bills Step 4 build ventilators masks wipes etc use all prouction capacity to build emergency supplies. Suspend ip/patents or guarantee like 5% profit for patent holder
Lol. "Asking for a friend!". The Bluth comparison has always been strangely apt. But sadly, doing something along the lines of "can't have bad covid numbers... if there are no numbers!" is substantially more treasonous than building houses in Iraq. South Korea's doing fuckin' 10,000+ tests each day, and the United States hasn't even tested that many people yet. This administration couldn't even run a banana stand."If you were in charge of federal response to the pandemic, what would your recommendation be?"