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comment by c_hawkthorne
c_hawkthorne  ·  1919 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 2, 2019

Masters of Public Health. Mostly looking at American top 10 programs, but looking a little in Europe too. I have a few friends who came to the US for undergrad and it's worked well for them. I need to look into how well a European program would translate back here as I will probably stay in the US long term, but I wouldn't be opposed to moving to Europe permanently should the right opportunity arise.

kleinbl00  ·  1918 days ago  ·  link  ·  

A friend of mine did MPH. Ended up being in charge of school nutrition for like Los Angeles. He did it for a good long while (I feel like five-ten years) and then did law as night school because he hit a ceiling as far as what he could do policy-wise. Definitely keep your eyes open and look for people doing the stuff you wish you could do - then ask them how they got there. There's an awful lot more who-knows-who in public policy work than you might think.

OftenBen  ·  1918 days ago  ·  link  ·  

MPH is awesome. I would like to get one some day.

There's so much available to study.

Keep us updated for sure.