Back to the half-empty pint, I suppose! Think I'll ever stop being several days late to pubski? Tune in next week to find out!
I had surgery on my leg this last Tuesday. They installed plates, positioning screws, and two of what my surgeon called "Deck Screws." Apparently it's more broken than they thought it was, so I have more hardware than they told me I would have. Evidently the surgery was almost twice as long as the 1.5 hours they predicted. I'm not sure if that's....supposed to happen? I mean, my surgeon had an X-ray AND CT scan. I guess there must be more to see when you actually open it up.
Aside from that, though, the surgery went well. I was in a ton of pain when I woke up from anesthesia, but it's been coming and going with the swelling. My full-time job right now is to keep my leg elevated. I've been in a bit of a haze since operating, trying to manage my pain with the prescribed opiates and figure out how quickly I can stop taking opiates. I went from 8 pills on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6 yesterday, and 3 today. My goal is to completely replace them with a rotation of ibuprofen and acetaminophen. I mean, I kicked smoking a month and a half ago - it'd be a shitty time to pick up a new addiction, wouldn't it?
So, yeah. That's the long-and-short of what I've been up to. I haven't been lucid enough to enjoy Hubski's type of thoughtful content in the last week, so I'm sorry that I've been missing! I'm sure you all missed my...ability to quote articles and restate the central premises...? Hah.
Don't for a minute pretend that you don't contribute to the tenor around here. Congrats on still not smoking.
X-rays and CT scans will tell you where the breaks are. Not a surgeon but there may have been difficulty in getting things patched up in a way that wouldn't lead to excess soft tissue damage. Back when I did biomedical we had engineers who would look at the x-rays of orthopedic surgery and comment that "they might be great doctors but they're terrible carpenters." Our doctor's rep quipped "you try building a cabinet through a 1-inch hole that's bleeding."
- Congrats on still not smoking.
The last month has actually made it pretty easy! No craving is ever going to outweigh day-after-surgery pain. Since it's almost entirely psychological at this point and I've been lucky enough to have problems big enough to distract me, the cravings have been almost non-existent!
- "They might be great doctors but they're terrible carpenters." Our doctor's rep quipped "you try building a cabinet through a 1-inch hole that's bleeding."
That's fantastic, and I'm stealing it.