Snark Tax: read Romer’s encyclopedia article on economic growth and summarize in a complete sentence.
i think i should pay the snark tax as a general apology for my use of this website over the last seven years "ideas are at the center of economic growth, which means that undeveloped and developing countries should take advantage of a sort of free information arbitrage -- many of the best ideas about growth, like property rights or correct marginal taxation, have already been thought of, tested, and proven in the developed world. the corollary is that the developed world cannot rest on its laurels; it must continue to innovate, and meta-innovate." in my own words, teach? okay: "the third world needs intelligence, the first world needs innovation, and i'll be a mooncalf if any of it has a whit to do with 'education'"
Fair. But fair warning, I'm like 1,000 IBUs bitter and 50,000 Scovilles spicy about the relatively small amount of near-infinite economic policy parameter space that's been explored at this point in human history, and even STILL more salty about how human perception of the economy couples back into the economy (RE: RE: RE: FWD: RE: RE: RE: RE: Things we talked about in D.C.). These things haunt me every time I do a take. "The pursuit of wealth CAN drive inventions that reduce the overall human impact on our environment through increases in efficiency". 'bl00 did a pretty similar take. There was another 300 words here, at one point, but I think all I wanna end with is pointing out that the pursuit of wealth CAN drive absolutely despicable behaviors as well. Now I will wipe my dry hands together, and open two very pursed lips to say "Ha, I've said nothing false!" (or much at all)... summarize in a complete sentence.