I still think he's going to surprise a LOT of people and be one of the last on the left standing. Will he be the nominee? That's a long shot, but I don't think it's a long shot to say that he's in it for the long haul.
I also think he could appeal to a lot of Trump voters. There are a lot of young MAGA hats that have turned in to MATH hats. He's got the momentum online. Does he have the ground game for Iowa/NH? We shall see. With a smaller group of candidates in these next debates, watch for Andrew to have an impact. I'm bullish.
I made a bet with ecib that Yang is one of the last 4 dems standing.
Agreed. I think it is likely that Yang goes the route of Bernie. That is to say the DNC will ensure he has no ability to claim the throne. Then, 4 years later all of the major candidates will be espousing some form of his platform.
I really like Andrew Yang, but I'm not convinced he's going to get the nomination.
He's been popular with people who are paying attention, but as the collective awareness of candidates expands in the coming months I don't know how many will be swayed by him. I don't think the nation is mentally ready for UBI - it would be a helpful policy and we could benefit from it, but I can't imagine it getting widespread support from any 40+ demographic.
Maybe I'm wrong, though? My city is a blue island in a sea of red (eliminate electoral college btw), so maybe I'm getting a biased sample. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how Yang is going to win over some of the more centrist dems
I would consider myself a centrist dem. He’s won me over with his common sense proposals. I’m a relatively affluent person by most people’s standards and while $24k a year will not change my life, it may help me hire more people to help maintain our household, yard and family (childcare) it may help me invest more in small businesses etc. it would almost all go to services that are undertaken by small businesses and laborers. Point is, it’s not just for the poor, it’s for everyone and would powerfully stimulate the economy from the ground up. I love the idea of a dividend for all citizens regardless of your tax bracket or socioeconomic station. I think it will resonate.
It’s a good idea.
It is a good idea, and I think you're right that I'm possibly not being charitable enough. I think I fear the "BUT IT'S SOCIALISM" clarion call of the GOP more than I should, just by virtue of the environment I find myself in.
I, and all of my friends, think it's a rad idea. Maybe my parents don't need to be sold on it for it to be considered seriously by the masses. Time will tell, I guess?