I'd say so. Nearly all of our "prescriptives" about proportional thinking starts out with recipes
- 3 eggs makes 1 omelette. How many eggs will it take to make X omelettes, and vice versa.
That or an animal corresponding to number of legs in a group of said animal. Identifying patterns are also a big one for younger ages.
Most of this all builds into more complex ideas like similar (proportional) geometric shapes and exponential growths/series and sequences down the line. Best I can tie stitch counting back to is analytical thinking?
- Best I can tie stitch counting back to is analytical thinking?
Whelp, you start with a pattern. Then you have to size it. Then you have to try it out with your yarn and needles a few times with adjustments. Then you run everything through your conversion factor. It's like a recipe except with trial and error, multiple conversion factors and the necessity of remembering multiple different things with their hands.