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I assumed it was actually hot. I used Google to translate some of our temperatures for perspective to the northern Europeans. In Georgia 35 C is a pretty regular high temp where I live in the same region. 40 C would not be unheard of but it's rare What do you reckon an average humidity down here is? I don't pay that close attention and just use my own personal misery index
johnnyFive · 2441 days ago · link ·
Average? In the worst of the summer up where I am (Richmond is right at sea level and on a river), 90%+ humidity is far from unusual. An almanac I found has the average morning humidity at 85% or so for June, July, and August. Our average high is 30 C in June, 32.2 C in July, and 30.6 C in August (and 27.2 C in September).