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comment by tacocat
tacocat  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls

Did you like the director's cut with the music changes? Because I didn't and I can't tell if it's because something I was used to was changed or because they were just bad decisions. Trying to make more sense of the damn thing maybe also rubbed me the wrong way for no reason. I had to do research on a 56k modem to understand that thing dammit! That's obviously stupid.

kleinbl00  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·  

By the time I saw Donnie Darko there were a lot of people who were convinced Richard Kelly was a genius. I watched it and I was like... aright, whatever.

His first movie was a 48-minute not-quite-feature that was hated by everyone. his third movie was a big budget catastrophe that was hated by everyone. His second movie is a piece of cult and okay, fine, but the fact that it saddled us with that horrific jules holland version of Mad World makes whatever good it has wholly drowned out by every mopey fucking pseudogoth manic pixie dream girl I've ever overheard in a coffee shop.

On a more serious note, the basic problem with time travel movies is it's the easiest fucking thing to turn the moral of the story into "it doesn't fucking matter." Best "it doesn't fucking matter" time travel movie? Twelve Monkeys. Worst "it doesn't fucking matter" time travel movie? Donnie Darko.

PROTIP: a film student trick, when your movie sucks and makes no sense, is to edit it into a nonlinear "thought piece." By making sure the end doesn't come after the beginning stupid people will think you're profound.

Cellar door.

b_b  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    PROTIP: a film student trick, when your movie sucks and makes no sense, is to edit it into a nonlinear "thought piece." By making sure the end doesn't come after the beginning stupid people will think you're profound.

Christopher Nolan's entire schtick in Momento. People still talk about him like he's not a pile of garbage. At least Pulp Fiction has some cool scenes.

kleinbl00  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm sure we've talked about this before, but Memento(2000) is, almost beat-for-beat, one subplot (of 4) out of Tom Tykwer's debut film Winter Sleepers(1997).

b_b  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What a douchebag. Normally I keep my Nolan feelings to myself, because I'm sick of getting shouted down for saying that the emperor has no clothes. Didn't even bother seeing Dunkirk, because I assumed it was an abortion of a movie.

kleinbl00  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·  

All my cinematographer buddies insisted i needed to see Dunkirk in theaters 'cuz it sounds so cool.

Sorry, I care about the story and Dunkirk was the battle specifically called out by William Goldman as unfilmable.

tacocat  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I saw it when I was 19, right after it came out and during a lonely time when I was all angsty and shit. So I loved the fuck out of it. I'm pretty lukewarm to it and 16-17 years later. It's very overhyped now and I'm more mature but I still kinda like it.

It didn't seem like the kinda movie you'd like and cite as an example of anything so I asked. Also I remembered that you hate that version of Mad World.

The director's cut seemed kinda Lucasesque to me. And underlined that Kelly had no idea what the thing meant or the plot in general. And he changed music that was fine the way it was. It's fine to make a vague work that you don't really understand and leave to interpretation. It's a hack job to insert a buncha shit after the fact to try to make sense of something that can exist just fine as vague.

I haven't seen Southland Tales. The Box was complete shit.

kleinbl00  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I wanted to like it.

tacocat  ·  2481 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I liked it. And now I'm disappointed that I don't like it as much anymore.