Turnout of 59.93%. In an astonishing turn of events, another candidate — unaffiliated Pavel Grudinin, nominated by the Communist Party — attracted more than 10% of votes. With Putin out of the equation, it would mean the decisive victory of Grudinin.
I knew it would happen, but it's still disheartening.
Now the US not only negotiates with terrorists: the US also congratulates them on their victories. No, of course not. Unless, of course, your country has political value "in the region" or you're spreading democracy. Of course! Russia's been losing it for the longest time. It's time we be the winner! Y—yay...She said the U.S. doesn’t “get to dictate how other countries operate” after a reporter questioned whether Russia’s election was “free and fair.”
“I suspect that we’ll probably be meeting in the not too distant future to discuss the arms race, which is getting out of control,” Trump said.
I feel ya. It's one of those things where I don't know which is worse: that the election was rigged or that a majority of one's compatriots voted for someone ... problematic. I did hear one of your fellow citizens interviewed on NPR a couple days ago who disputed the premise that the elections weren't fair or that free speech was being eroded. I didn't hear the beginning to know if this was just some random парин or someone in a more official capacity. But of course, the scariest form of government for me is not one where free speech is suppressed, but one where free speech doesn't matter.
Парень? Use человек if you want to say "guy". "some random guy" would be случайный человек or человек с улицы. Nationalism would do that to you. Some people here actually believe that Trump is good because he's Russian ally and that Crimea "belongs to" Russia. It's unsettling just how much this country's political system sucks. (What's even more unsettling is that I almost engage in whataboutism by going "Yeah, but which country's doesn't?" I bet I could come up with a few examples of those that have many fewer troubles)парин
I did hear one of your fellow citizens interviewed on NPR a couple days ago who disputed the premise that the elections weren't fair or that free speech was being eroded
Thanks...one of those words that's floating around in my head without enough to connect to :) Nationalism is a helluva drug.