Nothing new this week. Been playing a lot of Android Lust and The Machine in the Garden
Hubski, this week, you get accordions. I apologize for nothing. Found these guys on Gems on VHS. They remind me quite a bit of Black Prairie (their older stuff) Play this song in the background. It's all instrumental and pretty fun. It kind of reminds me of stuff played by The Faux Frenchman. Also instrumental.
As soon as I saw "accordions" I was wondering if someone would mention this song! I found out about it through Madvillainy, but it's super cool seeing how Madlib changed it and how both songs kinda have their own unique ideas that they revolve around!
Bandcamp gave 100% of their profits to transgender shit on Friday so I picked some stuff up. Some stuff that got stolen in 1995 and which I hadn't bothered to replace. I'm not sure how I forgot that the chorus to LoA's Voodoo U was "I'm gonna fart on you."
I’ve been listening to Wintergatan. Their video of the Marble Machine went viral on YouTube several years ago, but their album is also excellent. I’d put it roughly in the genre of electronic folk. But have very little confidence in that classification.