You make "a good ISP" singular, as if one product at one price point can satisfy all customers. Only a fifth of internet users subscribe to Netflix. 13% of Americans don't go online at all. Telephone service is a utility, and there is a huge variety of offerings. Water is a utility, and I know of only one kind of water, but you still get more when you pay more.
Thanks for jumping in! Not everyone complains, but those who do are more noticeable. Just about everyone has choices, even in the countryside satellite and mobile hotspot options are available. My idea of improving the situation is to give the ISPs more freedom to innovate and compete, rather than putting restrictions on them. I don't follow the logic saying that since we are unsatisfied with a small number of big players giving mediocre service, let's have one huge player provide all the service -- and make it the player that gets 20% positive reviews. Two of the six paragraphs in that history are complaints! Also:If you don't have choices you are almost always stuck with AT&T or Verizon and bitching at those two is practically a meme now.
I get my internet connection from the one provider (please read about its history, it's actually relevant) available in the area.
According to Eurostat, OECD and others, Internet access in Poland is among the most expensive in Europe. This is mostly caused by the lack of competitiveness and lack of know-how. New operators like Dialog and GTS Energis are making their own provider lines and offer more attractive and cheaper service. In February 2011, the Polish Office of Electronic Communication issued an order forcing the TPSA to rent 51% of their ADSL lines to other ISPs at 60% discount of their market pricing. As the result the prices are non-competitive, other ISP charge as TPSA making a guaranteed 40% profit, while TPSA has no incentive to lower its consumer prices, because it would result in lowering of wholesale prices as well.[citation needed]