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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2540 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Toyota, Merck Join Ethereum Group to Build Blockchain Network

and back down to $169. You can't watch it.

steve  ·  2540 days ago  ·  link  ·  

and back up to 178

and back down to 162

and back up to 181

and back down to....

nope... you can't... but if you're anything like me, you also can't not...

As a friend of mine said earlier "Holy Volatility Batman"

I had been successfully not looking this morning until after lunch. It's this weird mix of excitement and dread.

thenewgreen  ·  2540 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Craziness. May God bless mk for nudging me. May he also bless my wife for not being reluctant but going all in :)

Now to decide, when to exit some to $? kleinbl00 what say ye?

kleinbl00  ·  2540 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I had a long thing written. I browsed away. It's gone. I'm not upset. It was a lot of prognosticating with very little point.

I got into Bitcoin at $170. I got out at $450. If I'd gone to cash I'd be bummin' right now - unless I needed the cash at that moment. I didn't. I went to ETH. I still don't need the cash.

My investment in ETH is nominal and I felt no impact from that money leaving my coffers. I have not yet felt the impact from it returning. As such, my ETH investment remains in an alternate reality where dreams are built. Cashing out now means a more meager dream. If I needed that cash to keep my current reality alive? I'd have a very different attitude and I'd be thankful of the resources I have that others lack. As it is, it's an abstraction.

When I bought into BTC, Very Clever Publications were saying it might be worth $2000 one day. That day was yesterday. The crazies had another opinion. They might still be right, but I don't think so. But when I bought into BTC, it was cheaper than ETH is now.

If I'd piled my retirement funds into ETH back when I threw my handful of change on the table, I'd be fuck-you rich right now. I'd also be a terrible person. I invested what I could risk and the risk paid off. It's still crazy risky. I told my dad a few months ago I owned some crypto. He advised me to get out now while I still could it's all a crazy scam. I think ETH was trading at $17 that day.

I guess it comes down to "what would you do instead?" Real estate? Not in this market, boyo. Stocks? Have you seen the lagging P/Es lately? Bonds? Please. Brick'n'mortar? You've got someone else's money backing Forever Labs and not buying them out right now is a great form of hedging. A new car?

Five years from now, that might be your eighty million dollar Honda. It might also be your fifteen hundred dollar Honda. If you need a car, buy a car. If you don't...

Women generally make more money investing than men do. Why? they fuck with it less. I don't understand this market and I don't have any insight. I can also afford to lose it all. Thus comes complacency.

It's still a long thing. It's still pointless. Sorry.

thenewgreen  ·  2540 days ago  ·  link  ·  

not pointless. I feel similarly.