If you are building a social app to make money, you must have the monetization functionality incorporated from the beginning. To do otherwise is to build inertia against those future efforts all along the way. Of course, the trick is that growth is all you and VC need to get to the next round of bag-holding, and users don't consider sustainability when choosing a network, so...
I think it was Ben Horowitz, in his startlingly self-fellating high-fivin'-white-guy autobiography, who observed that venture capital funds anticipate a payoff from one in a hundred investments, and that they expect that one in a hundred to more than make up for the rest. Which gives lie to your imperative: there's nothing saying you must have the monetization functionality incorporated from the beginning. After all, Google didn't and look where that got them. And besides - Jerry Yang at Yahoo didn't have the vision to imagine the monetization which is why they didn't buy Google for a million dollars backintheday! Cautionary tale! Cautionary tale! So what you get is this bottomless sea of money sniffing around going "is there slightly better than one in a hundred odds of you making my money back someday, somehow, don't care?" and rewarding preposterous bullshit like Juicero with $120m in funding. ...and having written that, let's take a step back: A company selling juice, with a supply chain, physical product and stuff people actually had to pay for got $50m more than Yik Yak. And it was a semi-absurd product, and they didn't really think things through, but Yik Yak had a fucking app. THAT'S IT. And I look at this, and I think about the swarthy Russian doctor who came to my house to draw my blood and take my blood pressure as part of the physical I needed to get the life insurance the bank required so that they would loan me $350k for a fuckin' brick'n'mortar buildout that they're guaranteed a 4% yearly return on and I wonder how much better the world would be if guys like cgod and me could tell a VC fund "yeah, we think the odds of this not crashing and burning and blowing up all your money is a little better than 1%" and be fucking showered in money while assholes that want $73m to stake an anonymous hate messenger would have to stake their fucking blood in it and sweet jesus, I really want airborne rabies to break out in Silicon Valley.