That was a fucking delicious takedown of an abject piece of shit. I eagerly await the denial and its claims of persecution by the vagenda of manocide.
Ask and ye shall receive Fisher declined to disclose his occupation and would not say whether he created “Red Pill” and posted as “pk_athiest.” He said he is not the moderator of any forums on So I saw this on Daily Beast this morning, then had to lash out at IT, and while I was doing it, bfv posted it. And it took me until this evening to read it, because I had no idea it was this long, and I was secretly dreading the fact that I know this guy and I've still got some PTSD associated with Reddit and the shitshow it has become. Backintheday some dude PM'd me looking for my help because their subreddit was only about getting dates but the members of /r/twoxchromosomes were constantly raiding them and fucking up their shit and could I do something? And I tried to broker a non-aggression pact but it didn't work because really ewww and it was so long ago that I convinced myself it was redpill and that was fucking horrifying. But nope! It was /r/seduction. Which was plenty creepy. I did not know until today that theredpill exists because /r/seduction wasn't creepy enough. I always thought that redpill came about 'cuz /r/seduction got banned or some shit but was too lazy to check. Ye gods.“I'm disappointed that this sort of attack has replaced real news, but it strengthens my position and resolve that fighting for equal rights is more important today than ever. Some in the media seem to enjoy trying to make big issues from out-of-context quotes and wielding them to try and destroy their political adversaries rather than shining light on the underlying tough issues people face,” Fisher wrote.
In most cases, Seddit's sidebar has good game advice, and a lot of sedditors do have good advice. The only problem I've had with seddit is the growing culture of betatude that's cropping up in the comments on all posts there. Things like "no don't do that, it's creepy" which really steers the conversation in the wrong way.
I read the whole article and the only thing they didn't find was video of him using reddit while talking about creating theredpill. And he still did exactly what I thought he would. I can't wait for the full schadenfreude to kick in when he loses his job.