Golf clap. He made it through the whole thing without once saying "millennial." not that he didn't insinuate it a dozen times.
There's a discussion to had here - the roots of minimalism are in an elimination of ornamentation and the modern allure of minimalism is related to a conscious commitment to choice - but the author never attempts it.
People with no spare money don't buy shit. HOLY FUCK, MAN! I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT.
When I see crap like this, I dig into the author a bit. He wrote a few listicles for metalfloss. we went to... fucking Tufts University. $63K A year tuition!?!?!? So, who the hell is this guy's parents? Dad was a manager at Boeing, mom was a Biology teacher. Obviously grew up with a whole hell of a lot more money and resources that I, or any of my friends did. Oh look he has a Tumblr, because of course he does. He Co-founded Study Hall that got a lot of press early this year because nobody has ever put together a shared working space before.
Oh, look, Brooklyn. Because he cannot be any more of a stereotype, here is an article with a picture of him
So what you have here is a kid who grew up with wealthy, educated parents writing articles that I like to call "No shit, Sherlock." But they wrap it up in a hipster pretense of "Oh, look ye plebs, for thine betters have written to offer you mine insights into how the world works."
This article is so hipster I grew a top knot reading it.
That said, that one listicle he wrote for Mental Floss is on a fuckin' Reddit thread.
- It’s not easy to be a freelance journalist in New York. You choose to go it alone. You decide to be your own agent, pitch editor, and boss. You also probably choose to hang out in your apartment for days at a time, escaping only for bagels as a reward for finished deadlines.
We want to make things a little better.
I mean, you could probably craigslist that shit. Or, you know, write a medium article and call it a business proposal.
It's not like these articles can't be written.
Not so much hate as laughing at the folly of it all. He got paid to write that tripe. I'm sort of envious that I'm not in on the 'spew nonsense get paid' bandwagon. Then again when I look in the mirror, the guy looking back at me is not disgusted by what he sees.
It is also a disgust with the use of Reddit threads and Twitter feeds as a source for a news article. That is one of a whole list of reasons why CNN comes off as a high school level news source.
I would love to be a writer of some description, but this right here is the wall that I haven't yet been able to climb, i.e. how to be more signal than noise.
When I read it (not on here, but The Orange Site) I genuinely liked the article. But you know what? It also confirmed my own biases. I liked the article because it told me something I already believed. For all I whine about how people should read more critically I do not practice what I preach