Very funny wasO. You forgot to mention that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had to get the entire Canadian military including reserve forces and every other person in uniform to defend the border from fleeing Americans.
How about "the 427 becomes impassible as fleeing Americans begin walking to the city centre, already in a daze from the election and now stunned by the lack of subway access to YYZ." Edit: it's been a couple years since I've been to Toronto. Has the metro been extended?
Kind of. We now have the UP express or the PU express , depending what direction you're going. Yes, finally rapid transit over and underground from downtown to the airport. The train didn't attract the millions of riders that they expected soA new fare structure was introduced on March 9, 2016, which reduced the one-way ticket price between Union and Pearson from $27.50 to $12.00 cash, and from $19.00 to $9.00 with a Presto car.
It's a very nice ride. thanks for asking.