_refugee_ i can't find your fuckin email so I'll just answer it here. The "rhythm/rhyme" scheme shit is true of traditional hiphop but in much the same way that there are 8 million types of metal, hiphop/rap has evolved the same way.. The four beat rhyme "requirement" is hardly explicitly followed to the letter and everyone from Death Grips to Kanye to Lupe to Chance play with the genre conventions. If you're looking to define Chance's hiphop I call it "gospel hiphop" because a large part of what DEFINES a rhyme scheme of a hiphop artist is the instrumental backing and in this case it's pulsing choir samples and an emphasis on trumpets and shit. Kanye popularized it with The Life of Pablo and I'm sure that it'll now show up in a million other artists songs because the guy is a trend setter. Note the similarities between Ultralight Beams and All We Got. e. Text YES for more hiphop facts I dunno if that answers your question very well but there you go.
OK this is great also YES basically i think what chance is writing is really really really close to if not actually poetry, please see song "same drugs" except clearly, it's super driven by the chorus imho the chorus is what holds that song together and makes it a song there's practically no rhyme at all not to mention rhythm. was just thinking about it a lot (because i love that song)