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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3045 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I am in need of minimal opensource D20-esque systems

One of my buds, I've been trying to get him to join Hubski for forever, would probably have some good insight for this whole thread. I'm gonna poke him with it again and say "Bro! This conversation was made for you!"

Campaign modules have their place, as they can make it easier for the DM to do their job. That said, I don't have any personal experience with them. In my near 20 years of gaming, both as a player and as a DM, I have yet to be in a campaign that uses any modules. Everybody seems to just really enjoy world building, whether we're playing D&D, D20 Modern (you wanna talk about a game that scales poorly, whoo-boy), Shadowrun, or some weird homebrew rule set. We all love to different amounts comics, television and movies, novels, history, what have you and we all love to create stories. It takes a little more work, sure, but it's also so fun to both build the world and play with it.

I really like the idea of Epic6 for D&D's rule set for a few reasons. By the time you hit that level, your character is on par with a lot of heroes, whether we're talking about historical classic heroes like Beowulf and Hercules or more modern heroes like Captain America and The Punisher. We're not talking about Superman levels of power though and I think that's actually a good thing. Part of the fun of games like D&D is being creative and creative problem solving is a huge appeal. Some of the coolest scenes in comics and movies are when heroes solve problems with ingenuity. If you can punch your way out of any dilemma, that's no fun. Trying to figure out how you and three of your friends can take on two hydras at level 6 though? That's exciting. Next time I DM? I'm totally using the Epic6 philosophy, even if I'm not using a D&D rule set (I really, really wanna do a western setting).

    And my world building skills boil down to "I'm an Ancient Rome geek and it shows" even when I'm attempting sci-fi ;).

Your world building skills sound awesome. If there is something you know well and are passionate about, that's a huge strength for you as a DM. Personally, I'd say forget about modules for a bit, no matter what rule set you're working with, and spend a couple of nights a week for a month or so building your own really developed world. Even if you never use it, the exercise of world building can be a kick ass experience. Hell, take it one step further, share your ideas on Hubski. I'd love to hear them.

Devac  ·  3045 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm looking forward to talking more with your friend as well as you :D. Plus, damn. Twenty years of experience sound positively dwarfing and exciting since I'm alive for less than that; my 18th birthday is in roughly two weeks :P.

    D20 Modern

What's so bad about this game? I never did more than just cursory reading in my LFGS but never met anyone who actually tried it.

    Part of the fun of games like D&D is being creative and creative problem solving is a huge appeal. Some of the coolest scenes in comics and movies are when heroes solve problems with ingenuity. If you can punch your way out of any dilemma, that's no fun.

You'll get no counter-arguments from me on that, it's pretty much my own mindset as well, but put in your words.

    I'd say forget about modules for a bit, no matter what rule set you're working with

Oh, I think you misunderstood me a bit: I love world building and do exercise it, as I wrote in this comment (I link it because in my experience Hubski notifications fuck up when discussion goes past 4-5 responses). The reason I have used modules steamed from the fact that I had to yet go through the DMG and generally learn D&D back then. As I have said, most people in Poland discover D&D after some other system. Usually Warhammer or something like Cyberpunk 2020 or one of many Polish RPGs. The two or three I have used back then were the only ones I own and played with.

I'll try to do some translation in my spare time and share it, the setting mentioned in the comment linked above is my most developed one.

user-inactivated  ·  3043 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    What's so bad about this game? I never did more than just cursory reading in my LFGS but never met anyone who actually tried it.

There's some scaling issues at higher levels and in various extra rule books that affect game balance. At the same time, because the d20 system was something that could be licensed out to various companies, if you tried to use books from various publishers there could be conflicting rules and mexhanics. It's definitely one of those systems where just sticking to the core books help a lot.

I'd love to see you share more on world building some time. I find it kind of interesting that D&D wasn't your first pen and paper RPG and that that's true for most people in Poland. Here in the states, D&D is like a gateway drug.

Devac  ·  3042 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I find it kind of interesting that D&D wasn't your first pen and paper RPG and that that's true for most people in Poland. Here in the states, D&D is like a gateway drug.

I have started with hand-me-down Warhammer Fantasy Role Play 1st edition from my brother (the oldest RPG here, first one that was translated to Polish in late '80s o around that time) and in the meantime I was playing:

- Cyberpunk 2020

- Neuroshima

- Wolsung: The Steam Pulp Fantasy (original title was way better though; Wolsung: The Magic of the Age of Steam)

- Monastyr

D&D was probably my third or fourth system overall :). It's not because of popularity, although it's not the most played one here, but because D&D books are fucking expensive when compared to some of the other RPGs. Admittedly, they have some of the best production quality out there, but for a price of 3.5 PHB alone, back when it was new, you could buy Neuroshima core rulebook and one flavor book (literally, very low on mechanics but about 70 page worth of scenario inspirations in stories and rumors you can find during your adventures).

These are not the only games I know, but it's a good selection of ones really popular here aside of recent surge of Dark Heresy and similar 40k games.

I'll try working on the English version of the setting and start sharing it here, but after reading it last night myself I have to say that it is more likely to be a major rewrite than just translation. Let's say that idea started when I was about 13-14 and you can likely guess how that might look. While I pride myself to have no Mary Sues in the setting, I have a hard time finding a page where there is nothing for which I don't want to travel back in time and slap my younger self :P.

user-inactivated  ·  3041 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Wow. I'm surprised to see that Poland has so many resources available. That's actually awesome as hell. In fact, I think it's safe to say that you've played more game systems than I have. Now I feel a need to rectify that.

Devac  ·  3041 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Most people here start hobby around high school or university, but before publishers started to recognize that most people can't really drop 1/3 of their scholarship on one book and made some steps to reduce the cost… people had two options. Don't play or make their own setting. According to my father and brother, in the '90s you could bet that most groups had one or two books and at least one collaborative home-brew setting or system. After all, you can pinpoint a fantasy or sci-fi book that your group likes and make a setting together for a cost of few nights worth of coffee… significantly less than hardcover RPG ;). Hell, there were at least six versions of Witcher RPG before even the Polish book series was completed (around 1997 IIRC).

A lot of the modern Polish authors started by getting recognized as particularly prolific people on Polish parts of Usenet, IRC or fora. There is still a magazine called "Tawerna RPG" ("RPG Inn" would be the best translation) that started their distribution around 1996 via one CD-ROM gaming magazine. They had a part of their CDs dedicated to readers creations. Games, magazines, long-form blogs etc. I'm not even sure if that magazine still exists, but Tawerna prevailed ;).

It's actually a bit sad that many people choose to buy books instead of making their own materials. It seemed almost like a honed tradition until less than a decade ago.

But it's not exclusive to Poland. Germany had similar if somewhat less prolific scene. Sweden almost relishes in gaming exclusively the Swedish RPGs. Reasons were similar to Polish: a lot of the books were insultingly expensive while having a simply pathetic amount of printed copies. Right now D&D is not the most popular game, or even considered as the gateway drug, in any of the countries that I have mentioned.