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user-inactivated  ·  3043 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I am in need of minimal opensource D20-esque systems

    What's so bad about this game? I never did more than just cursory reading in my LFGS but never met anyone who actually tried it.

There's some scaling issues at higher levels and in various extra rule books that affect game balance. At the same time, because the d20 system was something that could be licensed out to various companies, if you tried to use books from various publishers there could be conflicting rules and mexhanics. It's definitely one of those systems where just sticking to the core books help a lot.

I'd love to see you share more on world building some time. I find it kind of interesting that D&D wasn't your first pen and paper RPG and that that's true for most people in Poland. Here in the states, D&D is like a gateway drug.