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comment by Devac
Devac  ·  3045 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I am in need of minimal opensource D20-esque systems

No problem, I'm happy to discuss Epic6 further or share some notes/house rules that, at least in my group, seemed to make sense.

If you are interested I can do some rough translation of my setting notes, I was trying to keep it close to the concept of "let's imagine how ~100BC Rome would look if I would drop some Goblins, Orks, Elves, Greek/Spartan polis and whatnot in this system with gladiators, Consul rule and legions". Obviously, everything outside of the Imperium Romanum is considered as 'barbarian', not necessarily in class terms ;). Not very original, but at least my elves are not hippies who hide in forests but were based on warring clans of Mongols from before Genghis Khan era, so I think I deserve some slack :P.

In the meantime, here and here are more complete versions of the original document that introduced Epic6.