Benchmarks on cards that aren't even out ran against the last generation of Nvidia cards? People have had the new Nvidia cards for a few weeks to benchmark, and they are blowing last gen of Nvidia cards out of the water. I'd wait a few months and let people poke at all the new cards for a bit, see what's really what. Generally better to buy the best single card you can afford now and than SLI/Crossfire later when prices come down when you need an upgrade than to replace both cards later. Not everyone feel that way. Hope the best for AMD, the better they do the better off we all are. Nvidia and Intel could both do with some more competition.
That's how I feel but there is a hardcore slice of the gaming world that feels differently. It doesn't seem to be a bad upgrade solution if your single card isn't cutting it anymore and a matching card has become dirt cheap because it's a few years old but I've never gone down that path.
The majority extreme gaming types have more dollars than sense. That said, I'm sitting on two Titan Xs, but I use them primarily for crunching, because they're much cheaper than cards marketed for that kind of work. For that reason I like the computer ricers.