Re: 6) Shit, you practically lived Pepper
I think a lot of people did. All that stuff they talk about dropping crime rates and lead paint causing violence and shit? My peeps grew up with blood lead levels higher than the oh holy shit levels that some kids in Flint have right now. Shit be real, yo. I mean, Butthole Surfers. Me and my little sister saw them play with the Stone Temple Pilots back in '93. Gibby Haynes had a shotgun filled with salt or something and he blew away balloons over the crowd. Which was proof that he was a pussy 'cuz bands like Tschkung used to straight up fire AK-47s with blanks over the crowd. Dude my little sister was dating turned up dead six months later, his body in a ditch on the side of the freeway and his head a quarter mile down the road. At the time, it was like "huh. Guess you shouldn't fight the Cartels for territory." Nowadays it's some fuckin' OMG gangland slaying. It wasn't even in his obituary. He just "passed away."