Get a prescription for trazodone. I guarantee it'll knock you out in a half hour. It's a sedative antidepressant so it has low toxicity and risk of dependance. If you get on a normal sleep pattern you'll probably stick to it.
careful with that axe, Eugene. Trazadone is the drug that sent my aunt and my cousin inpatient and launched my mother on her cross-country journey to dump my dad. Works great for some people. For a select few, it launches manic episodes of florid craziness.
I suppose most antidepressants have that risk of batshit freak out. They put me on a mood elevator once and I couldn't sleep until I got back to the doctor. Psychopharmacology is part luck and voodoo. Still probably a better drug than ambien. It just knocks me out and I don't even drive around in a blackout or anything.