another link here: This is a whole lot of bad news not just for Brussels, but for the tide of humanity attempting to escape from Syria, for the tone of dialogue in the American Presidential race (as if it wasn't bad enough). The fallout from this is going to be catastrophic. My heart goes out all people affected.
this is why this environment is the healthiest medium of social engagement I have ever found. After my own emotional polarity dies down from this event - and I can see this event in a more objective bias akin to my values, I cannot wait to see how this event is understood and received on this site.
Ya I was already avoiding other sites because the Trudeau government is supposed to table their 1st budget today and I have no interest in hearing what people who don't know anything about the matter have to say on it. Now this is just another reason to avoid the comment sections today. Except hubski, good old hubski.
While I expected political actors to take advantage of this tragedy, I'm still disgusted by Trump calling the border policy lax and foolish, UKIP doing the same and right-wing populist Wilders calling for closing of our borders. It's a truly destructive fear ruling politics at the moment.