Woo! How would you personally rank this film in the trilogy, and in the context of all six?
Personally? It's my favorite by a lot. It really expands the universe to me, especially in regard to the force. It introduces iconic characters like Boba Fett and Yoda. It has that great twist. It introduces the Emperor and we hear the imperial march. Also it's the first real captivating light saber battle. But most of all, it's just a tighter production. You can tell they had more money, and it helps the world feel real. Also you can tell Kershner is a more competent director. The camera work and shots feel of a higher quality than IV and the pacing is great. The movie just feels like the most solid, professional work of the saga.
GOOD also myself and coffee just hopped over to the IRC post Star Wars viewing, yr welcome to join and so is flagamuffin to talk Beatles or whatever else.
only got to watch for like 10mins :( catch you guys next time!