10th day on. 6am call. Assistant director reamed us for not being ready for something unscheduled 5 miles away. We were there in 10 minutes, a full half hour before they were ready for us. I'm ready to choke a bitch. That isn't prejudice, he has a big manly beard. And no chin. Going home tonight. Hugging my kid, cuddling with my wife. It'll take everything i have to come back, despite the fact that lasting until the union comes carries a $4k bonus on what I've already worked. At least my fingerprints no longer hurt. We had a guy up here to help with the antennae. Old salt. Called this the most dangerous set he's ever been on. We have a pool as to whether or not we'll have a stop-down injury before the 2nd episode gets finished. One of our cast missed filming today because she's too frostbitten to put on a sock.