Tangentially inspired by the recent IoT post
It's okay, as long as you haven't accepted a static hierarchy of "grilled cheese" parent types and sub-types. Grilled cheese is dynamic in nature, just like this new javascript-based toaster that can re-organize its "grilled cheese" json structure on the fly using deep learning.
I feel it necessary to point out that it is only due to the ill-informed impressions of product management (the king) that an embedded computer is called for. The electrical engineer wisely answers the king's question, rather than pointing out that the project could be accomplished with a quenchable-core transformer, thus the existence of toasters decades before the existence of embedded computing. I also feel it necessary to point out that the electrical engineer must feel lucky to be alive, as product management never opts for simplicity. That said, when I looked up "toaster schematic" it appears that experimenters these days are all fucking around with 555 timers, probably because you can breadboard them without fucking around with house current. Probably for the best.
The Software engineer would start a methodology to work ina team-oriented construct with an interpresonal dynamic to optimize development creativity. After 2 weeks they'd have a shoddily-designed iphone app that operates the toaster and has cute animations.
In the context of the modern age, they would now secure down the toaster by wrapping a RESToast API in a Docker container utilizing dynamic provisioning software to deploy micro toast applications (toastlets, if you will) that each perform a purely functional toasting operation leaving the hypertoaservisor in an immutable state. Some modifications to the previous bootoastrap web-facing interface have been made to add a HTML5 material design that displays better on tablets.
With our 3.0 update, your toaster now lets your friends know when and what you are toasting through our new Google+ integration. Using Google's analytics platform, you can track your toasting history, carb to toast ratio, and be reminded to buy extra loaves as you run low. Your information on Google Toast's platform remains solely the property of Google. We retain the right to sell your toast information to advertisers as part of our Toast Plus program. Stay tuned for our public beta of this new program. ETA April 1st.