Yas. Seriously, amazon - Fuck Clarkson and the other monkeys. Just hire Top Gear's editors.
Personal question: We kinda enjoyed Transparent, even though a lot of the characters in it are narcissistic shits. How terrible is it from your perspective? I recognize that this is like asking my black friends about rap music, but I am the high fivin'est white guy on Hubski.
Well someone's got to make up for my complete lack of high fivin'ness. I hear rap music and all I hear is Ground Bass underneath Concerto Grosso at the moment. I mean, I just think it's a middling show. It's not really about a trans woman transitioning in her 70s, it's actually about her 3 children who can't keep their own lives together - Specifically the youngest one who is probably the only character who's not completely self-absorbed (just mostly self-absorbed). Maura's a side character in her own "show", probably because showing trans people for what they are - Boring, and stumbling through life just like you - isn't actually exciting. It reinforces some dumb stereotypes, and Maura's played by a dude (Jeff Tambour's okay in the role), but could be worse - Could be this steaming pile of shitty stereotypes being played by a Eddie Redmayne: