All you need to remember to brush your teeth diligently, even when you're fucked up, is one case of necrotizing gingivitis, once quaintly referred to as "trench mouth" among civil war soldiers. Side effects include spontaneously bleeding gums; try hiding or explaining that at the workplace. Some people seem to have naturally healthy mouths (b_b - but for those who do not, you learn quick you can't fuck around).
Consider me very much on the dental health bandwagon. I'm still on floss picks, but I think I'll make the switch tonight.
Good tip for brushing your teeth is to brush them when you don't want to eat something. For example if my eating for the day is off time wise, I may get a bit hungry late at night. I just brush my teeth, and the desire to eat fades away. While it is recommended to simply brush your teeth out of need, it is still an interesting tip.